Monday, January 13, 2014

MegaCon 2014 - Private Shoots!

Kanimia Joan/Syber Digit as shot by Short Fuse Pinups
Are you a cosplayer? Will you be attending MegaCon 2014? Maybe we should work together!

Although I've been shooting cosplay at conventions for a few years now, I've never actually done any private shoots at a convention besides a few shots for friends. I've always felt creatively stifled by crowded con halls and less-than-flattering lighting, so I've decided that 2014 is the year to change that, so I'm offering private shoots at Mega this year!

MegaCon is the convention where I feel most comfortable, so it made a lot of sense to use it as a kind of trial run for private con shoots. I also won't be charging for the shoots at all (only if the cosplayers want a copy of all of their images in high-res).

I'm a little bit surprised by the number of cosplayers & groups I've already had sign up for spots, and I'm fairly excited to take a day trip over to the convention center soon to scope out good photo spots in & around the South Concourse, Mega's new home for 2014.

If you're interested in scheduling a session with me, you can find more info in this facebook event, and my shoot inquiry form for MegaCon 2014 is here on my website.

Beyond MegaCon shoots, the only other news to report is adding two new sites to my growing list of social media for Short Fuse - a brand new deviantART account, and a very lonely flickr account. I'm not sure how fully I'll be using either yet, but there seem to be some issues arising with facebook pages, and at least this way I'll be prepared with a few different options if need be. We'll see.

I think that's it for now. If you want to see photos from our most recent Chan Sterling Presents event, check out this album on facebook - our models for our post-apocalyptic Drink & Draw went all out!