Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Metrocon 2014 - Private Shoots

Andy Does Cosplay & friends - Borderlands group shoot - MegaCon 2014
 Are you a cosplayer? Will you be attending Metrocon 2014? Maybe we should work together!

It's finally time - Metrocon private shoot signups are now open! If you're interested in scheduling a session with me, you can find more info in this facebook event, and my shoot inquiry form for Metrocon 2014 is located on my website here.

Metrocon shoots will be offered at the special rate of $50, and will include up to an hour of photography, a digital download of 10 images sized for web use & print up to 8x12", and a print release! Shoots include 1-3 cosplayers, and additional cosplayers can be added for $15 per person, or $25 per 2 people. You will still have the option to purchase more of your images after the con, as well.

I will be requiring a signed contract & model release to hold a session time, and I'll also be asking for a 50% deposit via PayPal. The deposit becomes non-refundable 72 hours before the session time, except in the case of emergency.

Due to the overwhelming response I had during MegaCon this year, I will be offering a limited amount of sessions at this con, mostly so I can still enjoy the con a bit! I'd also like to be able to spend more time getting hallway shots!

I look forward to working with you!